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Sometimes I even send out helpful information like when I have a new release. Sometimes, I send out cover reveals and sneak snippets of what I’m working on.

Mostly– I tell tall tales and make excuses for procrastinating.

Now that you’re subscribed to the exclusive mailing list, you have access to the fun bonus content available for some of my books.

All you have to do is click the link(s) below for the content you’re looking for and then follow the prompts to verify you’re a subscriber. If you have any problems, shoot me an email at and I’ll pretend I know how all this works.

Bonus Material for the Modern Match-Maker Series

Bonus 1 for A Perfect Gentleman

Bonus 2 for A Nice Boy

Bonus 3 for A Smart Choice

Bonus 4 for A Great Catch

Bonus 5 for A Real Keeper

Bonus 6 for A Good Move


Bonus Material for the Wild Romance Collection

Bonus for BUSH

Bonus for WOOD